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Local archaeological heritage (State Inspection for Heritage Protection, No 1622). There are tales by local people that on the hill there used to be an ancient burial ground, but there is no precise information though. On one side of the hill a skiing track has been arranged, on the other – a clearing. A very steep hill. On one side of the hill (from the Pēči homestead) a skiing track has been arranged, it is currently overgrown with fern. On top of the hill there was a clearing, it is overgrown with smaller trees and bushes.
No recorded folklore materials have been found. The local people cannot tell anything about the site.
When climbing the hill from the side of the Pēči homestead but facing the Straujēni homestead, there used to be a 200–300 years old burial ground, on the site of which now there is a clearing. The opinions of the proprietors of the Pēči homestead and the Straujēni homestead differ about the location of the ancient burial ground, both think that it was closer to their homestead (actually, it appears to be on the opposite sides of the hill).