A.KlepersAustrene Ancient Burial GroundAustrene HillAustriņi Medieval CemeteryProject "Cult Identity"
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The Austriņi Medieval Cemetery and cult site are local archaeological heritage (State Inspection for Heritage Protection, No 493). The hill is common. On its eastern side there is a well visible stone wall. The stones had been placed systematically in a row along the whole eastern part of the hill. The hill itself can be easily noticed in the nearby surroundings.
It is also called the Austrene Ancient Burial Ground. Sacrificial rituals on the hill had been held for many centuries. A tale narrates that on the Austrene Hill there used to be a shrine dedicated to the goddess Austra and a cult site – an altar. The Austrene Hill was famous in far away parishes as well, those afflicted believed that if they woke up on the Austrene Hill at sunrise, they would be healed (SlideShare Inc 2012).
In Internet sources there is information that on top of the hill there used to be a Catholic church with a cemetery nearby.