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According to the scarce information at Carnikava Baltgalvji homestead there are Sacrifice Hills which have suited the purpose of a sacrifice site. There have as if been two sacrifice hills – one on each side of the Langa River, however only the one on the right bank of the river has survived. It is a couple of metres high sand hill or dune covered with rare pine-trees and on slopes – with deciduous trees. In earlier times the surface of the Sacrifice Hill as well as slopes were dug with big holes which have filled up with sand and levelled off; the surface of the land is grumpy. The hill has overgrown with grass through which sand can be seen. On the lower E slope there is a big, broken bird-cherry tree and at its foot – a small pond which has been dug years ago. In earlier times the hill has been used as a waste deposit site for the surrounding buildings, however, there is no evidence of that now. No modern buildings are allowed in the closest vicinity therefore the hill is visually appealing. The sacral significance of the hill is confirmed by its name and sacrifice evidences.
The former landmark, Baltgalvji homestead, has lost its topicality as the Sacrifice Hill now lies in the centre of Kalngale settlement. From the highway side where the hill can be well seen and accessible also by car it is separated by a recently arranged pedestrian walk. There are no signs about the Sacrifice Hill either on the highway or anywhere else. The construction of private houses has been well distanced from the hill, thus the hill can be viewed from all sides.