Extra materials:
Contains information from the project:

Local archaeological heritage. It is located in a small cape that towers scenically above the Bānūži Lake for more than several meters. The cape has many springs and it is wet. A huge impressive stone, slightly overgrown with moss. The dimensions of the stone: height in the southern part against the lake is 2.22 m, length — 4.40 m, width (at the foot) — 4.5 m, width (at the surface) — 3 m, circumference — 15 meters (Municipality of the Vecpiebalga County, 2012). Situated in the woods. Nearby is the Liv Settlement, Bānūži Holy Spring, Lower Liv Ancient Burial Ground (Lejaslībiešu senkapi), Jānis’ Hill (Jāņkalns), Lode (Apši) Lutheran Church.
No recorded folkloric material has been found until now. The local people know nothing to tell about the object.