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Length of the stone with stamps – 2,0 m, width – 1,6 m, height – 0,9 m. The peculiar name was given due to a legend and two carved-in oval marks – stamps. The two oval marks (length – 27 cm, width – 22 cm, and length – 18 cm and width – 13 cm, depth- 2 cm) are well visible. In 1986 the third carving was discovered – imprint of a bare foot of a human (36,5 cm long, 17 cm wide, 3-4 cm deep) with clearly visible four fingers. A 7cm deep drillhole is seen on the surface of the stone. Amphibole gneiss.
A story about the French war treasury is a modern alternative of the ancient legends about hidden money or treasures, which indicates its mythological character.
Archaeology monument: “Bebri ancient burial ground (Round Hillock) and the Stone with Stamps – cult site”. Sometimes the landlord of the nearby home mows the trail to the stone.