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The Bowl-Shaped Stone was discovered in 1980 when studying O. Ozoliņš’ hypothesis about an ancient sacred site in the direct proximity of the Vaidava Hillfort (systematic stone cairns). The hypothesis, though, was not proved, but archaeologists found a stone with an artificially formed bowl that made it possible to make assumptions that still there used to be an ancient cult site. Unfortunately the bowl-shaped stone has been partially demolished, its second part cannot be found. The dimensions of the remaining part is as follows: length of 0.96 m, width of 0.70 m. Calculating roughly, the diameter of the stone used to be 1.02 m, which is a typical size for a bowl-shaped stone. As to its form, the stone used to be either naturally roundish or hewed to get an almost cylindrical form that is evidenced by one of the side edges that has remained untouched. On the stone surface there had been a bowl carved in the diameter of 21 cm, at the lower part of which, along perimeter, along the edge, a ring-like groove had been made (2 cm wide and up to 1.5 cm deep). Other objects nearby: Vaivada Hillfort, Rubene, Briņķi Pine Forest Spring, Swedish Pine.Gauja National Park’s Reserve Area, territory of Natura2000.
No recorded folklore materials have been found. The local people cannot tell anything about the site.