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Out of all ancient cult lindens of Kurzeme this grows closest to the sea. One can make only assumptions about how old it is. It is also not known for sure whether it is the 10th or 5th generation’s offspring of the linden’s clump. The circumference of the holy linden’s oldest offspring is 3.24 m. Right there are also twice thinner offsprings, around which countless very young offsprings have sprung up, thus forming the holy linden’s clump.
The Brandi homestead is one of the most ancient ones on the Livs’ bank. Valda Šuvcāne in the book (“Livs’ Village that no Longer Exists” (“Lībiešu ciems, kura vairs nav”) writes that after the plague of 1710, only in two homesteads — Brandi and Galdnieki — there were people alive. But in 1834 in the Brandi, 20 people lived. From the ancient holy linden, which was visited by Estonian and Finnish scholars in the first half of the 20th century, only one old offspring can be seen, around which many younger and very young offsprings have sprung up. It is presumed that the visible offsprings of three generations are lindens of at least fifth if not tenth generation on this spot.