600 m direction W from the “Imantas” home, 500 m direction W from Pilsrundale – Jaunsvirlauka road, in an open area, in a meadow.
By the Ezerkalni homestead at the edge of the millpond of the Ungurpils (Castle)
At the town cemetery, on the bank of the Vaidava
3 km N of Alsunga, 470 m N of the Ruņģi homestead, in a grassy place, 15 m off the former Ventspils–Liepāja railway embankment, 150 m N of the 72/73 km post of the former railway.
4,5 km direction SE from the centre of Vecumnieki, 0,5 km direction E from the junction of the Vecumnieki – Skaistkalne and Vecumnieki – Nereta roads, on the left bank of the River Viksnina.
About 250 m E from Spiļvas homestead on the right bank of the Nāruža River, separating Ogre and Ērgļi parishes here.