Approximately 800 m downstream Murjāņi bridge on the slope of the basic left bank of the Gauja primeval valley in the early devon Gauja suite sandstone cliff.
Approximately 800 m downstream Murjāņi bridge on the slope of the basic left bank of the Gauja primeval valley in the early devon Gauja suite sandstone cliff.
The Īģe (Graudiņi) Devil’s Cave appeared in relief in various descriptions and publications only around 1990s, when it was localized and landmarked.
About half a way between Turaida and Krimulda, 1 km SW from Turaida Castle. In the 50 m long and 12 m high early devon Gauja suite sandstone detrition on the basic bank of the Gauja primeval valley between the Vikmeste River and Igauņi Ravine.
In the lower reaches of the right tributary – River Radzupe (21km long) – of the River Dienvidsuseja, on the left bank, 1 km direction NE from town Akniste, opposite of “Kalkucepli” home, around 2 m above the water level of the river.
Zilaiskalns village, from the road Valmiera–Zilaiskalns there is a sign to the left to the Zilaiskalns Hill.
1.7 km south-west of Kocēni, 180 m north-east of the Kalna Cimpēni, on the right side of the Kocēni–Cimpēni road, in the woods. On the right bank of the Tilgaļi brook (Cimpēni River, Silupīte River), opposite the Cimpēni Hill Fort.
The hill is visually inexpressive, overgrown with grass and trees. A path leads to the top of the hill, on the hill there is a garbage dump arranged that spoils the whole view of the hill.
On the eastern bank of lake Svetes, 0,5 km from Lake Zebrus, in a marshy forest area.
In Klintaine parish, direction NW from the Vinakalns hillfort.