In town Iecava, Parupes Street, on the left bank of the River Iecava, opposite of the Lutheran church, in an area in-between private houses.
On the left bank of the River Vārtāja, in an air line about 6.5 km E – NE from the Krote centre, 250 m NE from the former Gravenieki homestead, in the forest.
About 300 m along an air line south of the Ošnieki homestead, on the site where a smaller river joins the Briedaine River.
At the Graudiņi homestead about 150 m SE of the homestead’s ruinous threshing barn.
In the centre of Engure at the Engure River, port and fish processing plant.
5 km NE from the centre of Priekule town, on the left bank of the Virga River, about 0.5 km NW from Elki cemetary. The hill is crossed by the Kalnenieki–Elkuciems road (a winding rural road which also leads to Elki cemetary)