4,5 km direction SE from the centre of Vecumnieki, 0,5 km direction E from the junction of the Vecumnieki – Skaistkalne and Vecumnieki – Nereta roads, on the left bank of the River Viksnina.
4,5 km direction SE from the centre of Vecumnieki, 0,5 km direction E from the junction of the Vecumnieki – Skaistkalne and Vecumnieki – Nereta roads, on the left bank of the River Viksnina.
About 1 km NE from Embūte, around 150 m W from the Embūte–Skrunda road, 100 m from the unpopulated Pilskalni homestead, in an underbrushy forest.
Between the Vosvi and Šķepasti, 1.5 km S from the Druski Hill Fort, on the E coast of the Klotiņi Lake, 200 m NW from the Vosvi homestead.
Mäla village, 870 m to the East and North-East from the Kuivastu-Pädaste road along the forest road and the field, on a grassfield.
Zilaiskalns village, from the road Valmiera–Zilaiskalns there is a sign to the left to the Zilaiskalns Hill.