380 m direction SE from Nereta – Viesite road, 100 m direction W from the hillfort.
380 m direction SE from Nereta – Viesite road, 100 m direction W from the hillfort.
500 m direction NNE from Stupeli castle mound and 400 m direction WNW from “Panteli” home.
Opposite the Ribas homestead (a turning of the Valmiera–Limbaži highway at the Jaundzelzkaļi homestead), ~600 m in south – south east direction
250 m upwards the Pāce Hillfort (NE – E of it), on the right or northern bank of the Pāce River’s mill pond, downwards the estuary of the Dīķkalni River, about 400 m of the Elkkalni homestead.
In the forest and bog massive 3 km NW/W in the air line from Birzgale, about 1.5 km SW from Abermaņi.
On the right side of the Rīga – Ērgļi highway – on the right side of the Ogresmuiža highway, at Ķesterāts