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The Dižruņģi Holy Spring or the Kaziņavots Spring is a small, rising, 1.5 m deep spring. In a radius of 1 m around its outlet, the whole land is tottering just like in a swamp. The surroundings of the outlet are boggy and watery. As a spring it is inexpressive, it cannot be used as a water taking place either. It is significant as a cultural historic tale place.
In the spring a furious scratchy old woman was drowned — this is evidenced by a short tale that is still remembered by local people nowadays. The Holy Spring’s name is also known from literature sources, sometimes also the Kaziņavots Spring name is used. Judging by place-names, possibly, it is an ancient cult site.
There is a hill in the nearby surroundings, on which, according to tales, the Devil poured out stones.