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The bowl-shaped stone is 0,5 m high, 0,8 m long and 0,7 m wide, circumference – 2,38 m. There is a bowl-shaped hollow in its surface, which is 33 cm by diameter, up to 14 cm deep. The bowl is round, smoothed. Large-grained red granite.
The stone is a bowl-shaped stone, although earlier it was deemed a stone with rounded cone hollow. The present hollow stone bears no side grooves, which are typical to the stones with rounded cone hollows, and the stone is rather small by size; still the hollow is much too large to be deemed a stone with a rounded cone hollow and the stone rather matches a bowl-shaped stone by its shape. To a certain amount the stone is also similar to Christian font. No legends or stories are known about this stone.
The name of the stone refers to the origin of the stone – “Dzintari” in Sunakste parish.