In the eastern part of the Witch’ Cliffs, a small niche has been formed by a spring of average strength that is known from ancient times as a holy spring entwined with tales. The spring with clear water outflows from a place where the sandstone bank of the Vaidava River is high and steep. In former times the local people believed that it is a health spring, because many used it for various eye diseases. But the spring would help only if a person sacrificed something to the spring, for instance, clothing, woolen thread or some other item (Tourism Development State Agency, 2012b). A gathering place of local significance.
“The Eye Spring of the Witch’s Cliffs has gained its name due to two reasons. First of all, due to the fact that it looks like two weeping eyes — in reality they are two springs that outflow at the foot of the Old Witches’ Cliffs (Veco Raganu klintis). The spring water is clear, but there is doubt about the possibility to drink it, because it is located at the foot of the cemetery. Still people have been using it successfully for treating various eye diseases since ancient times. In former times there were small gifts left as offerings — coins, prievītes (national ribbons). There are tales that in ancient times this water was drunk and used in household by the witches dwelling in the cliffs. Around the spring there are many witches’ traces: witches’ brooms on top of the trees, witches’ circles and witches’ spits in the grass, but in the trunk of a pine-tree there is a hollow that is called the Witch’s Mirror.” (Delfi, 2012). “Near Alūksne on the rocky bank of the Vaidava River in ancient times witches lived. From the cliffs’ foot springs have appeared. The witches ruled over the spring water. The spring water was healing, especially for eye diseases. Water had to be drawn in the morning of the Star’s Day and in the evening of the Green Thursday after the sunset. One had to give gifts to the withces.” (S. Laime, 2009)
Between the Old and New Witches’ Cliffs there is one more quite a large spring. At the school Astra from the Ape Tourism Information Centre mentioned “Witches’ Circles”.
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