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A tale stone not far from Valmiera, related to Devil’s activities when opposing the church construction in Valmiera. Its volume is 10 m3, circumference of 10.1 m. The nearby objects: Valmiera City, the Burtnieki Lake.
“Very long time ago the Antīnieši Parish, located next to the Jumerieši Parish not far from Valmiera, wanted to construct a church on the highest point in the town for themselves and the neighbours, near the old Liv Hill Fort’s walls to make it accessible for the people. The church was almost ready when the Devil found out that so very close to his dwelling — the swamps of the Zilaiskalns Hill — a church would be erected, so he become so mad about it that he decided to tear the church down right at night. Next night almost at midnight he took a large, huge stone from the surroundings of the Zilaiskalns Hill and headed with it to the Valmiera Church to throw it on the church altar, thus tearing the church down, but having hardly got out of the swamps, a rooster of the nearby homestead crowed at once, and the Devil rushed home with all its intentions, and the stone fell into the Gluma swamp where it is still nowadays.” (641,46 Valmiera; compiled by I. Ruberte, Valmiera Countu Tales (Valmieras novada teikas). 1999.)