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Here is an ancient site consisting of an ancient burial hill and an ancient cult stone on its slope. As an ancient cult object only this small in size cup-marked stone is valuated. Its dimensions: length of 1.0 m, width of 0.95 m, height of 0.35 m. There are 5 cup marks carved into the stone. The largest of them is 1.4 cm deep, 6 cm in diameter. Red large crystal granite. The cup-marked stone was discovered in 2009 (L. Landmane, A. Grīnbergs), and it adds to the area of ancient cult stones with cup marks of a spherical form known in the surroundings of Talsi.
The stone with an even surface is visible already from a distance when looking at the Golden Hill (Zelta kalniņš) partially overgrown with trees. Not far from the hill at its western part the small Ilbatupīte River flows. In the yard of the Āpji homestead a secular linden grows with the circumference of 4.08 m. All these objects together make up a local cultural scenery, which has been little affected by modern civilization. About the reasons of carving the cup marks, scholars have proposed more than 30 different versions, out of which the most credible ones are related to cult rituals held at such stones.
In the Golden Hill (Zelta kalniņš) or the Ilbatas ancient burial ground after the World War I, there was a human scull found and chain holder with shackles. It is presumed that in the hillock there is an ancient burial ground, but it was also in paralel or in other times used as a cult site.