1st oak: diameter 375 cm (1,3 m), height 18 m; 2nd oak: diameter, 420 cm (1,3 m), height 16 m.
Legend and lore The ancient Estonians had a sacred grove at the present site of Juuru church. Two oaks still stand. People made offerings there even later, these are stories that children were nursed on and told by old people. Sure, people would frequent this place. Ribbons were tied there back in the day. The older people have said there were ribbons tied to the trees. In the old days, there was a large stand of oaks where Juuru is now situated. The strong oak roots gave the builders of the church all sorts of trouble. They tried to split the powerful roots with axes. When the church was finished, it began to be called Juuru church. Later the name was shortened in the vernacular, and the name Juuru arose. Estonia’s sacred groves Sacred groves (hiied) are the oldest nature reserves in Estonia, preserved from development out of respect for the forces of nature and ancestors and used as a wellspring of vitality. Estonia has close to 600 known sacred groves or grove-like sites. The area of a sacred grove can span 100 ha and often it can encompass sacred springs, stones, and festive and funeral sites. The sacred grove was used for prayer, offerings, councils, healing, celebration of days on the folk calendar by people in at least one village. The principle of non-violence to people, animals and plants is paramount in the sacred grove. People visit the sacred grove in a clean and sober state and domesticated animals and pets are kept away. Over the centuries, foreign overlords have attempted to destroy and occupy the indigenous sanctuaries to break the people’s spirit of resistance and sense of self-worth. In spite of this, many shrines survived.
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