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The storyteller Lauma Prūse who had heard it from her mother, reported about another Kāpurkalns graveyard which lies on the bank of the Gauja River approximately 1 km NW from Spulgas homestead (Zosēni Parish Council, 2012, ER). “There are two of these [stones], one of them with a small hollow is a local significance history monument of the Latvian State with protection No 4.00258.000. It used to stand in the Kroga brasls (Pub Ford) on the NE coast of the lake. The second one was in the Vērša brasls (Ox Ford) on the S coast of the lake. These stones had served for laying sacrifices. The local population remember that at the beginning of 1930s the sick people came to the Pub Ford to wash and take water along in bottles for the ones who were not able to come. As the water level in Kāpurkalns Hill was raised when arranging fish ponds here, the stones cannot be seen.” (Zosēni Parish Council, 2012, ER).
One version has it that the name originates from grubs which in some year fell on the oaks growing on the hill and ate all leaves off (materials of Cēsis Museum). Another version reports that as there was a graveyard on the coast of the lake both in the ancient and medieval times then a local saying arose that a man passes to the kingdom of grubs after his death. Thus the lake and its surroundings acquired the name of Kāpurkalns (Grub Hill). This is what our ancestors called the sacred sites of Dear Māra which were powerful energetic sites in the open air. Such churches were attended by godparents to find the most appropriate name for their godchild. In Māra church the newly wed were married according to the ancient customs. (Zosēni Parish Council, 2012)
In the Skrāģu krogs Midsummer Eve celebrations take place as well as Baņuta Opera Festival. There is the Baņuta Museum. It is though not directly related to the ancient rituals, however, more than 1000 people arrive there.