A.GrīnbergsG.KalniņšKevele SpringsProject "Ancientsites.lv"Project "Cult Identity"the King's Springs
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Very popular and relatively easy accessible set of springs, the popularity of which has spread much more nowadays than in the ancient days. There are many legends and stories devoted to the springs, most of which were written in the old days. Still there are reasonable grounds thinking the place is a former cult or at least a mythological site. The individual springs come out of a stone wall, merge and in the form of a large stream flow away through a small ditch into the forest.
The springs are often also called “the King’s Springs”; still the origin of this title is unclear yet. Probably, this title was created already in the modern times.
Probably, a cult site also nowadays. The site is well known also by Lithuanians. Water extracted from the springs is used for commercial purposes.