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The well was created in unknown times and the biggest stones which form well-curbs are almost 2 m long. The cross-section of the well forms a square with sides which are 1.25m long. In the middle of the 19th century the farmers’ homestead Ķintes used to be here. The well might have been a possible ancient cult site as well as simply the last evidence of a once powerful farm.
There are legends and true evidences that the Ķinte homestead used to be here the buildings and fences of which were built of big and very big boulders. Unfortunately in the middle of the 19th century when building the nearby Dzērve manor, the homestead was demolished and the stones from its surroundings were used in the construction of the buildings of the manor. In 1975 archeological explorations were made of the ancient Ķinti site and it was found out that it had been populated in the 17th – 19th century. However, it is not known if at that time major construction work was carried out with the big stones now visible only at the well site. The legends suggest that the Ķinti homestead might date back to the time before the 17th century. Anyhow, people still tell stories about the muscle man Ķintis who committed great deeds here assisted only by his white mare.
More information on the ancient site can be found in the book „Pēdakmeņi, robežakmeņi, muldakmeņi” (Foot-print Stones, Border Stones, Through Shaped Hollow Stones) (J. Urtāns, R., 1990) and in “Dabas un vēstures kalendārs 1978. gadam” (Nature and History Calendar for 1978) (J. Urtāns. Ķintu aka. – R., 1977).