A small but facilitated spring, the water of which is used for children baptizing rituals of the nearby brotherhood congregation house of the parish (since the middle of the 19th century — the worship house of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation). Healing power is attributed to the water. There is no information proving that the spring water had also the meaning of a holy spring. It should be viewed together with the more than 200 years old congregation house’s log building. The spring is used for drawing water. The picturesque valley of the Melnupe River. The object is not included in the state archaeological heritage list.
According to the narration provided by a local teacher Emma Vallija Šļukuma, “Children were baptized with the spring water — especially during the times of the Mikuži brotherhood congregation. A mug with spring water was given along tochildren. They believed the spring can give good health; the spring water has to be poured over the head to have a good mind.” (Audio recorded)
There is an idea about creating a walking trail Mellupe–Mikuži.