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On the sloping surface of the rather small dimension stone three cavities with a convincing form and three likely cavities have been made. The depth of the convincing quality cavities is 0.4–0.5 cm, diameter 4.5–5.5 cm. Dimensions of the stone: length 1.1 m, width 0.90 m, height 0.85 m, circumference 3.50 m. As the stone is shadowed by trees, it gets covered with moss rather quickly and the cavities might not be visible well enough. It is possible that the stone lies in its original place or has been slightly moved during drainage many decades ago.
In the forests of the Durbe River left bank between Dunalka and Cīrava, in the surroundings of Mūrnieki homestead, 14 m NE from Mūrnieki 2nd Cup-Marked Stone, on the edge of an overgrown clearing.
Although until year 2012 the scholars were already aware of two cup-marked stones in the vicinity, the third one had not been noticed. By their size and number of cup marks it can be listed among small cup-marked stones, however, as the two other stones were known here, the three stones together form something like a complex of ancient cult stones which might be interesting for the ancient history enthusiasts. Regarding the purpose of creating cup-marked stones scholars have suggested more than 30 different versions the most likely of which are connected with cult rituals which have taken place at such stones.
A cup-marked stone discovered during the Cult Identity project expedition on 12 March, 2012.