A.VilkaB.BaikaD. ĶibildaJ.ApalsL. ŠenrokaM.VanagaProject "Cult Identity"Rēveļas Ancient Burial GroundRēveļas Cult SiteV. Platpīre
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Local archaeological heritage (State Inspection for Heritage Protection, No 385). The Rēveļas Ancient Burial Ground is situated about 200 m from the Rēveļas homestead on a mound overgrown with deciduous trees; it is surrounded by meadows all around. The Rēveļas Cult Site is located about 200 m south of the Rēveļas Ancient Burial Ground. Here 2 oaks are growing (the offsprings of the former oaks chopped off) (L. Šenroka, D. Ķibilda, V. Platpīre, 2008., Report of Inspection, Monument Documentation Centre, inventory No 88809-2)
The Kaikūnas homestead’s proprietor narrated that at the ancient burial ground there used to be also a sacrificial place, where 3 large oaks were growing, around which there used to be stone cairns. The proprietor of the Rēveļas homestead, on whose land the sacrificial site was located, had taken the stones away and chopped off the oaks. Although oaks never have offsprings, in this place 3 new oaks appeared. (Vilka A., 1991, Archive of the Scientific Council on Museum and Cultural Heritage, inventory No 36.023 9984-9) “On the Ezerkalns Hill the Vilkate’s ploughmen found Swedish solders’ spurs, buttons, red uniform rags from the times of the Great Swedish War. There are graves of the Swedish war. The homestead is called the Vilkates because there wolves ran by.” “At the Rēveļas Lake in the south-west end, offsprings of the holy oaks grow, about 40–50 years old. They grow instead of 3 holy oaks.” (Vanaga M., 1972., Extract from J. Apals’ Card Index, archive inventory No 36.023 9984-9)