A site of tales, legends that may point at a probable relation to cult activities. The second name of the stone is Liepakmens Stone that is used by local people, and it was recorded already in 1937. A stone of impressive dimensions — 5.3 m long, 3.5 m wide, and 1.9 m high; circumference cannot be established, because its south-west edge is hidden in the slope, volume of 18 cubic meters (North Vidzeme Geopark, 2010–2011). Over the stone a large multi-trunk linden grows. Nearby objects: Vecate, Riņņukalns Hill Settlement and Sacrificial Stone.
A tale narrates that during the Great Northern War under the stone a whole wealth had been hidden (North Vidzeme Geopark, 2010–2011, 10 Most Remarkable Cultural Historic Stones in the Geopark Territory (10 ievērojamākie kultūrvēsturiskie akmeņi Ģeoparka teritorijā.)
In summer time the recommended way (indication sign) to the object is endangered by heracleum. The sign should be moved to a spot where it would not be reached by tree branches. Probably, access should be recommended along the other river bank.