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Dimensions of the secular stone: length – 6,80 m, width – 4,90 m, height – 2,75 m, circumference – 20,70 m, volume – around 40 m3. On the surface of the stone there is a large (1,1 x 0,9 m), natural, flat hollow. On the eastern side of the surface there is a jag from a split-off.
In 1977-1978 archaeological excavation were carried out at the stone; artefacts from 10th-13 century were found. Stubavs A. Excavations in Stupeli hillfort and an ancient town in 1977. // Research report session materials about the results of studies by archaeologists and ethnographers in 1977. Riga, 1978, p.64-65: „In the NE part of the ancient town an area of 100m2, where a 28m2 large stone, probably, a cult stone, is located, was surveyed. The surface of the stone is rather even, bearing several, natural hollows. On the top and sides of the stone there is trace from an older burning. On the E side due to fire some part of the stone has split off already in former time, since these splits are found also on the lower courses of the occupation layer. On the Eastern side of the stone, along the stone a shallow ditch has been dug. Two similar, deeper areas in the ground, which partly enclose (it is a semicircle) the large stone in parallel, start from two, medium-large chiselled granite stones on the South of the cult stone. In the South-East corner of the excavations’ field a standard hearth, made from small stones, was found; next to the hearth several artefacts, many shards, bone and iron dross was found.”.
Archaeology monument: Stupeli Hill – hillfort with a settlement and cult stone. Secular stone, protected nature object. On the Jekabpils district map (Jana Seta, Riga, 2010) the stone is marked on the opposite side of the castle mound.