In a forest located within Jelgava City boundaries, behind the former dumping area, at the end of the street “5.linija”.
In a forest located within Jelgava City boundaries, behind the former dumping area, at the end of the street “5.linija”.
The hill is crossed by the Riga – Bauska road (Via Baltica). The top of the hill is on the east of the road.
3 km direction SE from Lake Zebrus, 3,5 km direction NW by air from the Dobele – Ile road, 1,3 km direction SSE from Slagune cemetery, on the left bank of the River Balzina.
The hillfort is located in the middle of a marshy valley, 250 m direction SW from the River Iecava and 500 m direction S from Brukna Manor.