About 150 m in NW direction of the Ikšķiles (Ēķin) homestead
In the Atpiļi homestead of Trikāta of the Valka County. It was included into the list of state protected secular trees in 1977.
Geological geomorphological heritage, located in the Gauja National Park’s Reserve Area, territory of Natura2000.
The Health Spring is located on the slope of the left bank of the Karogupīte River flowing through the marshy valley, about 100 m NE of the uninhabited Dzelzāmuri homestead.
On the 12 m high steep bank of the Salaca River, in the bight of Vīksnas, there are occasional sandstone exposures.
Krimuldas Velnala (also Siguldas Liela Velnala) is a cave on the right bank of the Gauja River in Sigulda.
About half a way between Turaida and Krimulda, 1 km SW from Turaida Castle. In the 50 m long and 12 m high early devon Gauja suite sandstone detrition on the basic bank of the Gauja primeval valley between the Vikmeste River and Igauņi Ravine.