Geological-geomorphological heritage – state protected nature territory. The Sietiņiezis Rock is the largest white sandstone detrition in Latvia.
Zilaiskalns village, from the road Valmiera–Zilaiskalns there is a sign to the left to the Zilaiskalns Hill.
1.7 km south-west of Kocēni, 180 m north-east of the Kalna Cimpēni, on the right side of the Kocēni–Cimpēni road, in the woods. On the right bank of the Tilgaļi brook (Cimpēni River, Silupīte River), opposite the Cimpēni Hill Fort.
1.3 km north west of the Rubene brick manor house, ~200 m south west of the Dzelzkalni homestead, on the left side of the Rubene–Robiņi road, on the left bank of the Zvirgzdupīte River (Rubene water storage)