Healing spring of HillevikHedningahällanHög church with surroundingsLönnångersfjärden gravefieldNyppbergProject "Cult Identity"The labyrinth of KuggörarnaThe large mound of BergaThe Lervik springThe Tygsta findTOP 10 in GävleborgVästerhäll
Gävle – Hillevik – Hamrånge – Söderala – Trönö – Enånger – Hög – Kuggörarna – Gnarp
Length of the route – km: 346 km
Suggested type of transport: car, bicycle and boat
Suggested time for visit: Spring, Summer, Autumn
Length of the route: 2 – 3 Days
In the beginning of our trip we are going to Lervik spring – an ancient spring that was rebuilt in the 18th century by the nobleman Per Ennes. Further we are going to the direction of Hillevik to visit an old healing spring, The Hillevik healing spring. The water contains a lot of iron and gives you strenght. Further north, we come to Nyppberg in Bergby, Hamrånge and visit Iron Age graves with an ancient iron production site, which was a holy place during the time it was used. The site has been excavated and dated. Västerhäll is an ancient fertility slide on a hillslide just by the road a few kilometres to the north, just outside Bergby. From there we go to Bergahögen in Söderala, where we visit the local King’s grave overlooking the Söderala valley. Further on, the mystical forests of Trönö and Fålmo mountains take us back to the time when people sacrificed metal to the gods at the foot of a mountain to gain good crops and prosperity. In Enånger, we visit the intriguing Stone age site Hedningahällan, where tribes around the Baltic sea met to party and to sacrifice precious battle axes. From there, we go up to Hudiksvall and the church in Hög, where there are runic stones, funerary globes and large grave mounds. The area was excavated 2011 and 2012 and has been a cult area since the Early Iron Age. At the island Kuggörarna we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and an ancient labyrinth, that was built to give the fishermen good fishing luck. The Bronze age cairns at Vattingmalarna in Gnarp in the northernmost part of the county is a beautiful, dramatic site that is also a nature reservation. If you drive the route around Midsummer you can experience the celebrations at all the local history club museums in every parish you pass.