B.BaikaD.OzolsJ.StikāneL.UpīteProject "Cult Identity"U.VilciņšV.AspersV.KalniņšVeckulpji Large Stone
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The stone similar to a miniature triangular prism or a mountain range is 4.75 m long, 3.15 m wide and 2.35 m high. Its volume — 12 m³. It is not just big according to its dimensions; it is also a heritage stone. According to folklore evidences, witches arrange their activities here at night. “When looking at the Veckulpji Large Stone from aside, it feels that the stone, pushed and hustled by the glacier, has broken off a much bigger rock rather close to its current location therefore its sharp edge was just slightly rolled over the remaining part of the road”, as stated by explorers (delfi.lv, 05.08.2011.). According to geologist Dainis Ozols assessment, the Veckulpji Large Stone is currently the biggest secular stone known in Naukšēni parish.
One of the legends recorded by Naukšēni Elementary School pupil V.Kalniņš in 1939 mentions some “high and slippery” stone within the Kulpji homestead that cannot be passed at night because witches grab the person. Although the people in the vicinity of the homestead had not heard the legend, in several homesteads stories were told about some Large Stone or Lielakmens, the description of which and its location led to the thought that it is the same place which was mentioned in the legend. Some other legends: Within the Naukšēni Parish there is the Acupe (the former Agupe) River. There used to be a big stone where witches and night-hags tortured people. (1764, 1171, L. Upīte 75 y. old.; rec. by U. Vilciņš 1978.) When the Rūjiena Church was built the Devil had intended to bring stones for the building. He was carrying a big stone when all of a sudden a rooster crowed. The Devil dropped the stone on the bank of the Acupe River and jumped into the river. (1026.162., V. Aspers 55 y. old, rec. by J. Stikāne 1976)