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The most recently discovered cup-marked stone in this area. It is surprising that it was not located in dense and untouched by civilization woods, but rather in an open area. The size of the stone: length of 3.50 m, width of 2.70 m, height of 1.40 m, circumference of 9.80 m. Into the surface of the cup-marked stone, before thousands of years, 8 cup marks (hollows) had been carved. The stone had been moved a little during the Soviet Times, it used to be located right there, on top of the hillock. Red large crystal granite.
As a cup-marked stone it is significant, because it supplements the range of ancient cult stones in the surroundings of Talsi. The cup marks (hollows) of the Ventkalni Cup-Marked Stone are shallow in size and hard to notice. Their size proves the most popular assumptions about the origin of cup marks – that they were carved during some cult rituals performed to commemorate the life course of some people — birth or death, because the size of the cup marks show clearly that it would be very difficult to store rain water in them or place any offerings.
The cup-marked stone was discovered in spring of 2008 (A. Grīnbergs). The surroundings should yet be studied, because it is possible that one could search for some more unknown sacred site.