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Local archaeological heritage (State Inspection for Heritage Protection, No 1669). The height of the Voļģi Stone against the ravine is about four meters, but its circumference is 12 m. No hollows can be seen on the stone (J. Urtāns. 1990. Footprint Stones, Boundary Stones, Triugh Stones (Pēdakmeņi, robežakmeņi, muldakmeņi.). Nearby there is the native homestead of the writer A. Saulietis, as well as the Saulieši Ancient Burial Ground.
“Once in older times the Devil sat on this stone. Sitting there, he mended his trousers. A thill was his needle. Unluckily a rooster started to crow. The Devil heard it and took to his heels. While sitting, a hollow was worn out by the Devil’s seat in the form of a pot, but when taking to his heels, he tore out a spring with his leg that flows by the Devil’s Stone.” (Urtāns, 1990)
Nearby the impressive ruined Kārzdaba Church is situated.