A.KlepersProject "Cult Identity"Vizla Large BoulderVizla Large StoneŽākles Devil's StoneŽākles Stone
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It is also called the Vizla Large Stone, Žākles Secular Stone and Vizla Large Boulder. The circumference of the secular stone is 16 m, height of 3.4 m, length of 6 m, width of 3.7 m, and its volume about 35 m3. A piece of about 6 m3 has split from the Vizla Large Stone. The stone leans against other stones, as well as the base of the river bed and the bank dolomite (Vietas Ltd., 2005, 2012d). The stone has been included into the Vizla Nature Trail. In 1978, in this section of the river the movie “Pūt vējiņi” (Travelnet.lv, 2008–2012) was filmed. Located in the Protected Landscape Area “Ziemeļgauja” (Northern Gauja), the territory of Natura2000. State geological geomorphological heritage.
No recorded folklore materials have been found. The local people cannot tell anything about the site.
4–5 names: